Create Transparent image using aiStandardSurface in Maya 2020

February 4, 2021
Posted in Medium
February 4, 2021 Shrini

Create Transparent image using aiStandardSurface in Maya 2020

Maya is a great software that mostly uses in graphic designing, gaming animation, and so on.
Here are some steps for creating image texture using aiStandardSurface.

  1. Create polygon plane →(right-click)Assign New Materials →under Arnold Shader, select ‘aiStandardSurface’

2. In ‘aiStandardSurface’; Under Base node → Color → File → import image file to file attributes node



3. aiStandardSurface1 → Geometry → tick the ‘Thin Walled’ → opacity →file → select an alpha image

4. pPlaneShape1 → under Arnold node→ untick ‘opaque’

5. In UV Toolkit, Render → viewpoint 2.0 → Transparency Algorithm → Alpha cut

6. Now you can see image texture properly when you Render. Here is the final result.

Try to enjoy with Maya and create your own animation or 3D image using Maya. Hope you help this in some. Cheers Up!

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